Dyed Poplar Drawer Fronts w/ Airbrushed Vignetting

This was more about experimenting with dyes than it was about making drawer fronts, but here’s how it turned out.

We have this IKEA (go ahead and judge me, I don’t care) setup in a little maker space room of our house. A few months ago I put a custom Ash counter on it, and I recently completed the drawers + fronts.

I really wanted specific dimensions of drawers for quick access to small parts, so custom drawers became the answer.

Wood: Poplar.
Dyes: TransTint and TransFast.
Finish: Dewaxed Shellac, Deft Lacquer (gloss), Deft Lacquer (satin)

If you look close you can see that the blue dye isn’t quite as smooth as the other colors. The blue is TransTint; the other colors are TransFast (as well as the black “ebony” vignetting on all). All were diluted with distilled water. I’m not sure if the culprit was the difference between the types of dye, or a difference between my dilution levels of the two.

Airbrushing the vignetting…
Subtle vignetting complete